Deep River and Area

Family Enrichment Network

Ontario Early Years Centres
A Place for Parents and Their Children(OEYS)

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What we Offer at FEN:

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Lending Library  An extensive lending library with materials related to family and children.  We have books, audio tapes, video tapes, magazines, and educational packages at all of our three locations. Casual Drop InCasual drop in at three centers  for parents or caregivers and their children.
Activities galore for childrenA wide variety of activities and toys for children and their caregivers to enjoy together. Workshops for caregiversWeekly workshops focused on family related issues. Caregivers may leave their children in the play area with our staff if they wish to.
Organized playgroupsWeekly organized play groups; pre-registration is required, as spaces are limited.  Each week focusses on a theme, with theme related circles, creative activities, and snacks.  Call 584-4886 to register.
Monthly newsletters chock full of information and inspiration.
Childcare Registry Childcare registry through which parents and caregivers can connect.
A place for community support groups to meet, such as the La Leche League, and the Challenged Children's Group.
Babysitting courses Canada Safety Council baby sitting courses.
Car Seat Inspections Car Seat Inspections; call 584-4886 for information and appointments.

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